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How to Get More Clients via Social Media Marketing

When keeps business owners up at night? It usually relates to financials in one way or another. There is a constant quest to make more profits and grow the business, which in turn requires building as large a customer base as possible. But what’s the best way to go about getting more clients? It’s an age-old question and one that has many effective answers.

Here we’ll take a deep dive into how to get more clients via social media marketing. Social media offers businesses of all sizes and in all industries a budget-friendly yet effective platform.

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Make Sure to Engage with People

The first tip in getting more clients via social media marketing is that you need to regularly engage with people. This means responding to questions and comments, liking comments, sharing/retweeting, and showing there is a human response behind the accounts. Building engagement will help get your accounts seen, which then helps you to grow your following.

Offer Social Media Contests

Contests have a way of grabbing the attention of a wide array of potential customers. This may be one of the fastest and easiest ways to generate leads. The contest needs to be easy to understand, quick and simple to enter, and feature a prize, or prizes that interest the customer base. To enter the contest, have people opt-in to your email list. It’s a painless and simple way to collect data.

Just be sure that your contest picks the winner on time, as discussed in the rules, and you may even want to publish the winner’s name so that others see it as authentic. If the contest is a big hit, you can make it a regular happening.

Use Relevant and Trending Hashtags to Attract Followers

Hashtags are a great tool that business owners can harness, as it helps to make your accounts more visible in terms of what's being searched. Take a look at all the trending hashtags and be sure to use the relevant ones in your posts. These hashtags aren't meant to be stagnant - what is trending and "cool" this week may not be effective a month from now. Continuous effort should be used to ensure you’re making the best use of hashtags.

Start a Blog with Links to Social Media

Here’s an example of maximising one technique to the benefit of others. Posting blogs to the company website is a great way to attract customers and it can increase traffic, not just on the website, but also on your social media channels. The key is cross-linking. Blog links can and should be advertised on the company’s social media accounts, and the blog itself can link back to social media.

It’s a Process but It Can Be Well Worth It

The thing to be mindful of is that no matter what technique(s) you use to boost your client list via social media marketing, it’s going to take time to see the results. The key is to stay consistent and track the results so you know if any changes need to be made.

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