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How To Get Noticed In The Freelance Market

Did you know there are currently over 4.2 million freelancers in the UK? This is also a fast-growing number, especially since the pandemic and the rise of remote work. It is easy to see why freelancing is on the rise with the opportunity to be your own boss, but there are also challenges involved. One of the most challenging aspects of freelancing is getting noticed and securing work, particularly with the market becoming increasingly competitive. So, whether you are making the leap to freelancing or have been a freelancer for many years and are simply looking for some tips, here is how you can get noticed.

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Build A Strong Website & Portfolio

First, you must have a strong professional website and portfolio. Whether you are a designer, writer, photographer, consultant, or any other kind of freelancer, you need to have a website to promote yourself. The website should contain information on your background, experience, rates, and skill set. The portfolio section should contain examples of your work, your process, and client testimonials.

Network In-Person & Online

Networking is vital as a freelancer as this is how you find new opportunities, build your profile, and find support. Networking in person can be more impactful, so you should attend relevant events and distribute business cards. You can also network in online communities to build a large global network.

Be Active On Social Media

Following this, social media is an excellent platform for freelancers. This is because it allows you to maintain relationships with those in your network and keep up to date with everyone’s latest. Additionally, creating and sharing high-quality, relevant content relating to your profession can help you stand out from the crowd. This can be particularly useful on professional platforms like LinkedIn.

Ask For Referrals

You should never be too proud to ask for a referral as a freelancer. With the market becoming increasingly competitive, standing out and finding clients can be challenging. People will always trust recommendations from those they trust in their network, so always ask for referrals once you have completed a project. You can also ask for a review to put on your website.

Send Tailored Pitches

You must also master the art of pitching as a freelancer. Many fall into the trap of firing off a huge number of speculative applications that are exactly the same, but this will not get you noticed. Instead, you are better off pitching to a small number of potential clients with tailored pitches explaining how you can help them succeed and why you are a good fit.


Finally, you need to start sharp in the world of freelancing and continuously look for ways to develop and improve. As freelancing becomes more competitive, those who are at the top of their game will excel. Therefore, you should always be looking for new skills to develop that will get you noticed.

These are the best ways to get noticed in an increasingly competitive freelance market. By using these methods, you should be able to stand out, secure work, and build a positive reputation.

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