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The Key Factors Google Uses For Search Engine Ranking

Wondering how exactly Google determines your search engine ranking? There are hundreds of factors that the search engine considers, but there are a few key factors you should be aware of so that you can climb the rankings, leapfrog the competition, and increase organic traffic. Keep in mind that Google is constantly updating its algorithm (with the latest change being something we recently explored), so you need to keep pace in order to excel. With this in mind, here are a few of the key factors to be aware of.

The Key Factors Google Uses For Search Engine Ranking

High-Quality Content

First, Google prioritizes high-quality content. The latest update was designed to punish low-quality, spammy content, and reward content that is clearly written for users instead of manipulating search engines. This is why it is wise to use content writing services UK as this will allow you to create high-quality, interesting, and valuable content for your target audience to improve search engine position while engaging readers.


Ultimately, Google wants to provide users with information that will solve their queries. Therefore, relevancy is a hugely important factor when it comes to SERPs. A web page must be highly relevant to the query, so search engines will analyze the website’s content, including topics, context, and keywords. 


A strong backlink profile of links from reputable and relevant websites in your niche can make all the difference to SEO. This is because these links act as a vote of confidence in your website, so you can leverage the credibility of other websites to improve your ranking. Building a strong backlink profile is not easy, though, and requires blogger outreach UK services from a reputable link-building London agency. 


Google also wants to provide users with websites that will be easy to use and navigate. This is why user experience (UX) is another key factor, particularly after the latest algorithm change. Of course, improving the UX will also help convert more visitors into customers. You can improve the UX by improving site speed, optimizing for mobile, and improving the site navigation. It is always helpful to seek feedback from users to identify the areas of your website where improvements could be made.


Page metadata is important as it provides key information to search engines about the website. Therefore, you need to be comprehensive when it comes to metadata, which includes using elements like title tags, meta descriptions, and headings. 

Page Authority

Google will also factor in page authority to determine the credibility and trustworthiness of the website. This means that areas like domain age, domain authority, and reliability of the content source are factors. Improving page authority involves basic SEO principles, including creating high-quality content, building a strong backlink profile, on-page SEO, and improving the UX. 

There are hundreds of factors that Google uses in its incredibly sophisticated, advanced, and ever-evolving algorithm. The above are a few of the key factors, though, and all areas where you have the potential to improve your own ranking through SEO.

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