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Unveiling The Marketing Implications Of iOS 17: Key Insights

We are living in a time where there are constantly new tech trends and developments that occur, many of which can have a significant impact on the world of marketing. While this is certainly exciting, it can make it challenging to keep up! A great example of this is the recent release of Apple’s iOS 17, which has brought about many notable changes to Apple’s operating system, which is used by the majority of consumers. With this in mind, this post will take a look at the marketing implications of iOS 17 and what will change moving forward.

iOS 17 New Update

iOS17 Enhancements

First, it is helpful to look at what has changed. As with all new iOS upgrades, there are various enhancements designed to improve the user experience. These include:

  • Interactive widgets

  • Contact posters

  • Live voicemail

  • Stickers

  • Search filters

  • Enhanced accessibility features

These are just a few new features in iOS17, but what do the enhancements mean from a marketing standpoint?

Email Marketing 

One of the most notable marketing implications is on email marketing. Link tracking protection removes tracking parameters from Messages and Mail, which makes it challenging to monitor interactions with emails. This means alternative tracking methods, such as first-party data collection, are key.

Privacy Changes

Data privacy has been a major topic in recent times, and Apple have shown their commitment to protecting user’s data with iOS17. The App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework will now require explicit user permission before app providers can use device identifiers to track users. Additionally, the App Store now features a “privacy nutrition label” for apps where users can review data collection policies before downloading the app. 

Digital Marketing

The removal of tracking parameters in privacy mode and the blocking of tag managers also create issues relating to data collection. This change disrupts the precision of retargeting, A/B testing, and user behaviour monitoring, which can make analysis of advertising campaigns challenging. This means that alternative tracking methods need to be used, and app analytics become critical for reducing the impact of these changes.

Advice For Adapting To iOS17

It is easy to look at the changes made in iOS17 and panic. While there are certainly new challenges, particularly around third-party data, there are things that you can do to adapt and mitigate these changes - being adaptable is key for long-term success!

One of the most effective ways to navigate the challenges presented by iOS17 is to focus on first-party data - data collected directly from customers. A few of the best ways to collect first-party data include:

  • Interactive content

  • Progressive profiling techniques

  • Gamification elements

  • User-generated content competitors

Marketers can also navigate the changes by exploring alternative tracking methods, assessing attribution models, and embracing privacy-friendly tech stacks.

iOS updates can be exciting for users but can create a real headache for marketers. The new iOS17 update brings about a number of notable changes that create new challenges for marketers, but there are always ways to adapt so that your marketing campaigns remain effective. 

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